News and views from More Metrics

A selection of articles and news.

Using Petition Data to estimate the results of the 2024 General Election

Tuesday 2nd July 2024
Colin Stewart

General Election 2024 seat forecasts: What makes the forthcoming general election particularly interesting from an analytical perspective is the number of organisations that are modelling the likely outcome. Even better, these organisations have been very open about sharing their data sources and methods in well written blogs and posts. It all makes for interesting and educational reading.…

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More Metrics Sponsors Analytics Summit AS24 in Birmingham.

Wednesday 12th June 2024

On May 23rd, the Analytics Summit AS24 in Birmingham was a landmark event that brought together a diverse group of data and analytical professionals from across business, public sector, and government. This event served as a melting pot for innovation, knowledge exchange, and networking, and More Metrics was proud to be both present and a key sponsor. Keynote Speakers The summit featured…

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More Metrics data available through Consumer Data Research Council(CDRC)

Tuesday 5th March 2024
Dave Edmonds

Our Covid-19 data on attitudes to key issues during the pandemic is now available for review and analysis projects through the Consumer Data Research Centre CDRC is the leading source of UK consumer data and we hope our data, modelled on over 9 million responses to UK Parliamentary petitions, will support its users across a wide range of research topics. More Metrics…

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Poverty in the UK

Wednesday 24th January 2024
Dave Edmonds

A report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on poverty in the UK highlights the extent and variation across the regions and Nations of the UK. It also details the impact of factors such as disability, employment and level of education has on relative poverty levels. At More Metrics we are using our health, income and lifestyle data to support organisations in…

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Who cares about what in Wales?

Wednesday 4th October 2023
Colin Stewart

We are in the midst of the annual party political conference season and politicians of all colours are trying to grab the headlines - and secure our support! So to understand what voters really care about, More Metrics' Analytics Director Colin Stewart has looked in some depth at the recent petition on the 20mph speed limit in Wales, alongside a…

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Census 2021 - A summary

Monday 31st July 2023
Dave Edmonds

ONS has created a really useful summary of what they have published from the Census 2021 output so far. This shows the wealth of data that is now available to our developers at More Metrics to update existing products and create new insights. Watch out for more news over the coming weeks.

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The problems facing Wales - in data

Friday 28th April 2023

This linked article in Walesonline shines a light on some of the economic and social issues facing Wales. And whilst a Welsh based paper will rightly focus on its own area, read through the article and you can see evidence of similar challenges across the UK. The Walesonline piece covers the key topics of poverty, income disparity, employment alongside health, transport…

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Index of Multiple Deprivation made better

Monday 20th March 2023
Nigel Bradshaw

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a key modelling parameter for vulnerability and other people-driven measures. It is produced by the Government and is an aggregate area ranking across income, employment, education, health, crime, barriers to housing and the living environment. IMD succinctly captures the relative quality of life and opportunities for people in each area. However it has…

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The Health of the Nation

Thursday 9th March 2023
Dave Edmonds

This week, the ONS published its latest findings from Census 2021, focusing on health, disability, and unpaid care across England and Wales. Data was compared to that published from the 2011 survey. The study was on people who said their health was bad or very bad, were disabled and limited a lot in their day-to-day activities, or people who provided at…

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More Metrics launches on Snowflake

Tuesday 31st January 2023
Dave Edmonds

We are pleased to advise that More Metrics data has now joined Snowflake's Partner Network and our data is now available through the Snowflake Digital Platform. As part of the Snowflake Partner Network, More Metrics can help customers get the most out of our data and the Snowflake Data Cloud. Snowflake offers a secure, easy to access option for…

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"Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" (But not that one!)

Friday 30th December 2022

A few thousand miles to the north of its more well known namesake lies a tiny Welsh village that shares its famous name. There are in fact more than 20 Bethlehems in the world, including several in the USA and one in Pembrokeshire. For many years, visitors would make a trip to the small Welsh village before Christmas, often simply to…

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The Year in Numbers

Friday 23rd December 2022
Dave Edmonds

An interesting end of year review from ONS on what has been a very eventful data. Central to their output has of course been the Census 2021 data insights with a lot more to come in 2022. Other areas covered include the economy and wider costs of living crisis, health and wellbeing data as we have emerged from the Covid…

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Using 2021 Census data - Identifying areas of deprivation

Friday 9th December 2022
Dave Edmonds

As the ONS continues to roll out the output from Census 2021, valuable insight about the issues facing many areas of the UK are being highlighted. In the attached article from the website Walesonline areas of deprivation of various levels of severity across Wales are identified, mapped and available for use by Government, local authorities and both public and private…

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GeoIndex - valuable insights from 1 to 100!

Monday 28th November 2022

More Metrics and REaD Group continue to work closely in providing key data insights across a range of topics from green issues and the environment to the cost of living crisis and affordability issues impacting families across the UK. All More Metrics GeoIndex Indices are available at postcode level and can be used standalone or alongside our core datasets such…

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Census 2021 data now available from ONS

Monday 7th November 2022

Some great data and insights being produced by ONS from last year's Census. More Metrics will be using this data as it emerges over the coming months to: Refresh our existing products with new data from Census 2021 Using our proven modelling process, create new insights at small geographical areas to give extra meaning to the ONS data Identify new…

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Housing Crisis - data solutions from More Metrics

Friday 28th October 2022
Dave Edmonds

Every day brings news of more turmoil in the housing market - fixed rate mortgages hitting over 6%, hundreds of mortgage products being withdrawn at short notice and talk of an impending house price crash on a scale not seen since the 1990s. In these difficult times, access to up to date and comprehensive data is essential. Analysis at a National…

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Data designed for an uncertain world

Wednesday 19th October 2022
Dave Edmonds

As households and businesses try to prepare for what appears to be difficult and challenging times, More Metrics has been working hard to develop data sets that provide key insights into how people are positioned to withstand the financial pressures facing them and how organisations might need to adapt as a result. We have produced an information sheet to help…

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Monthly COVID-19 data released

Thursday 16th December 2021

The monthly update of our COVID-19 data was released on 16th December 2021. It covers the period up to 28th November 2021. The free data is available for download and includes: 13 Risk Factors Confirmed cases on an As-Is and Model basis The free data is available at: Parliamentary Constituency Local Authority Care Commission Group and Ward levels and equivalent home country levels. Data…

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More Metrics and REaD Group launch new Green Campaign

Monday 22nd November 2021

Following on from all the excitement of COP26 in Glasgow, More Metrics and our data partner REaD Group have launched a social media campaign highlighting how data can improve an organisation's understanding of their customers' environmental attitudes and behaviours. As part of the campaign, responders can download a specially commissioned Greenpaper which contains research findings from across the world and key…

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Monthly COVID-19 data released

Friday 5th November 2021

The monthly update of our COVID-19 data was released on 5th November 2021. It covers the period up to 31st October 2021. No model or data source changes this month. The free data is available for download and includes: 13 Risk Factors Cumulative Infection Rates on an As-Is and Time-Adjusted basis Weekly R-values FutureCases to Current Cases ratio Confirmed cases on an As-Is…

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Local voting and our new Green and Covid Open-Up indices

Tuesday 21st September 2021
Nigel Bradshaw

We've undertaken a further analysis of local voting in Bristol, using our new range of attitudinal indices. Whilst the big news was success of the Greens, which was correlated with our Environmental Warrior Index, it's not the only match of interest. Within the new indices we have three around Covid; including two showing the attitudes to opening-up and lockdown respectively. We show…

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More Metrics launches new profiling product - GeoProfiles

Friday 10th September 2021

More Metrics is always looking for ways to make data more meaningful and useful. To bring data to life and add insight and perspective. We have now developed our own profiling tool, linked directly to our unique GDPR compliant open source data, GeoMetrics. GeoProfiles is designed to provide key characteristics of the geographical areas any particular target group may live in.…

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Who cares about HS2?

Thursday 19th August 2021
Colin Stewart

With the HS2 petition House of Commons debate scheduled for the 13th September, we thought it would be timely to share our findings on our deep dive into petition number 563380: "Stop work on HS2 immediately and hold a new vote to repeal the legislation". Our work is aimed at providing practical support to anyone interested (citizens and politicians) who want…

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Football mad postcodes + Euros = Covid

Friday 30th July 2021

England, Wales and Scotland all appearing in the finals of the Euros this Summer, and many of the games including the semi finals and final being held at Wembley, excitement across the UK just grew and grew. Particularly for England who came so close to "bringing football home!" But the tournament took place against the backdrop of a surge in Covid…

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Green index correlates with local election voting

Monday 5th July 2021

The political environment never stands still. Alongside the fall out of Brexit and its polarising effect across the UK, another major issue appears to be shaking traditional voter allegiance to the core - the environment and wider green issues. Both the local elections in May and the recent Chesham and Amersham bi-election provide growing evidence that voters are willing to ditch…

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The Green Society – a More Metrics analysis of what local areas are thinking and doing

Tuesday 1st June 2021
Dave Edmonds

Over the coming weeks, More Metrics will be taking a closer look at a range of Green topics, from Green energy and electric vehicles, the emergence of Green politics as a potential new driving force, through to wider environmental issues and concerns about the natural environment. We will use our local area estimates of key data to provide insights into…

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Indian-variant COVID spread is geographic, not ethnic driven

Friday 21st May 2021
Nigel Bradshaw

Throughout the pandemic, More Metrics has been analysing the COVID-19 data that we have modelled to a local level so we can see infection rate spread in detail. In light of the concerns about the spread of the so called Indian variant, we have investigated if high incidence is correlated to areas with populations of high concentrations of Indian sub-continent heritage.…

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Census 2021 - have you completed yours?

Monday 22nd March 2021

Sunday 21 March was Census day in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will be next year for Scotland. This is the 10 year ritual that all UK households have been required to complete since 1841. It provides a treasure trove of valuable data for national and local government as well as companies such as More Metrics. As soon as data starts…

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More Metrics launch NEW Green Indices

Monday 15th March 2021

More Metrics Green Attitudes Indices The Green Attitudinal Indices have been constructed to identify people with different interest levels in green issues. They are postcode-tagged. There is an overall Green Index and three Sub-Indices reflecting different interests within the Green theme. Each index runs from 100 (high interest) to 1 (low interest). There are fewer postcodes within high-interest index values,…

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Free data files updated

Thursday 4th March 2021

More Metrics make available a number of data files in our Free Data section. This data can assist in the use of More Metric data or for other modelling purposes. This update follows the release of February 2020's National Statistics Postcode Lookup data. The following files have been updated: "Postcode to Output Area for open residential postcodes", and "Postcode to Output…

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More Metrics launches new INCOME DATA

Friday 12th February 2021

With recent announcements from the ICO regarding use of personalised data for marketing and data analysis purposes and the specific issues raised surrounding data from credit referencing processes, the importance of data sourcing remains a core concern for the marketing community. At More Metrics, our geomodelling process uses exclusively non personalised, open-sourced data. Central to most marketing activity is an understanding…

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National Obesity Week

Friday 15th January 2021

This week is National Obesity Week. More Metrics conducts detailed analysis of obesity data, alongside other health and lifestyle measures. These can be used for specific single issue analysis or as input into wider projects. In our COVID-19 analysis we use obesity as a core input in to our risk factor assessments. Unfortunately, the pandemic has highlighted that underlying health issues,…

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Mapping the new COVID-19 strain

Wednesday 6th January 2021
Dave Edmonds

Back at the beginning of October the Covid story was all about students returning to University and the explosion of cases on University campuses. Now as we end 2020 the focus of attention is the new strain of the virus and the rapid increase in cases seen first in London, but now spreading elsewhere, prompting the latest lockdowns…

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Will Christmas end this Disunited Kingdom?

Friday 27th November 2020
Dave Edmonds

Over the last week the UK and devolved Governments have sought to present a united front in order to save Christmas. But in the run up to Christmas and in all likelihood in January, this show of unity will be put aside as each nation implements its own, often very different response to the pandemic. Scotland's decision to introduce tier 4…

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Do our interests and beliefs impact our COVID risk?

Wednesday 11th November 2020
Dave Edmonds

Are dog lovers more at risk from COVID-19 than their cat loving friends? Do historically Brexit supporting areas take more risks than their Remain leaving counterparts? More Metrics has undertaken a short piece of analysis, reviewing its GeoSociety datasets alongside the ever increasing COVID-19 data to look for possible trends. Its by no means a rigorous scientific study but it…

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Did students spread COVID?

Friday 30th October 2020
Nigel Bradshaw

Using our model of Confirmed Cases per 100,000 at Output Area (~7 postcode) level we looked to see if there was evidence of a geographic spread of COVID-19 cases out from the recent outbreak in communal student locations. The graph clearly shows that the answer is no. We found no evident that the student outbreak leaked geographically, even within the immediate…

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Significant COVID case variation by OAC

Wednesday 21st October 2020
Nigel Bradshaw

An analysis of our COVID-19 data modelled at Output Area (~7 postcodes) shows significant variation in direction and level of cases between different Output Area Classifications. The surge in cases amongst university students is evident and greatest in communal accommodation. Students in other accommodation have also peaked, though to a lesser extent. Their confirmed case rates are now coming down. Other OAC…

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A truly local view is so important

Monday 5th October 2020
Dave Edmonds

With much of the UK under "local" lockdown restrictions due to COVID-19, its worth focusing a bit on what local actually means. In England for example, what began with the likes of Leicester and Luton has expanded to cover whole regions, primarily in the North West and North East. Similar patterns of lockdown are the case in Wales, Scotland and…

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Levelling up needs to start closer to home

Friday 25th September 2020
Sam Costain

As plans are announced to "level up" across the UK many will focus on the North-South divide. But as, More Metrics data shows, there is much to do to level up within regions up and down the country where only a few miles difference can show a huge disparity in quality of life and our GeoSociety data can indicate people's…

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Get fit to fight COVID-19

Friday 4th September 2020
Sam Costain

With COVID-19 causing a national lockdown, people across the UK sought to get themselves healthier to fight the disease. Joe Wicks lockdown workouts have become a bit of a craze, as well as sales of new bikes between £400 and £1,000 more than doubling in April (according to Reid, 2020). Smokers quitting due to COVID-19 was also found in a study…

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Do you know your bunny-hugger from your Eco-Warrior?

Tuesday 28th July 2020
Nigel Bradshaw

How do you talk to potential customers about matters that matter to them? How do you identify their key concerns? GeoSociety is a unique set of GDPR-compliant measures of people's interest in a range of topics from "Care about Animal Control and Slaughter" to "Concerned about anti-social crime". Data values are tagged by postcode and have also been ranked against each…

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Staycation COVID-19 risks

Tuesday 14th July 2020
Sam Costain

As the UK gradually emerges from Lockdown, More Metrics data can be used to identify potential risks across a range of everyday scenarios. In this article, we explore the potential hazards of the long overdue day trip. It can help to identify if locations travellers are coming from are high risk and so help predict locations of spikes in tourist…

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What next after Leicester

Thursday 2nd July 2020
Dave Edmonds

Leicester has been locked down following a surge in COVID-19 cases, just as the rest of England is spending up. The decision to order the lockdown was based on the result of data on testing. This shown an increase in the number of positive tests. Are there other locations that are at risk of future local lockdown? What does the underlying risk…

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Using data to get us out of lockdown

Tuesday 30th June 2020
Dave Edmonds

More Metric data provides unparalleled non-personalised information on COVID-19 risks at very local geographies. It can therefore be used by many businesses and organisations as they come out of lockdown and manage life in the "new normal". We consider a number of case studies; discussing the issues they face and how More Metric data will help each formulate their own…

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A demographic timebomb - the data behind the headlines

Tuesday 30th November -0001

An interesting article from the Daily Telegraph exploring how as the earth's population increases, changes in fertility rates, life expectancy and working patterns will have a profound effect on how society will function in the years ahead. The message as ever is; beneath the headlines, data at will help us identify long term trends and help us start to plan…

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