News and views from More Metrics
More Metrics launches new INCOME DATA
Friday 12th February 2021
With recent announcements from the ICO regarding use of personalised data for marketing and data analysis purposes and the specific issues raised surrounding data from credit referencing processes, the importance of data sourcing remains a core concern for the marketing community. At More Metrics, our geomodelling process uses exclusively non personalised, open-sourced data.
Central to most marketing activity is an understanding of the potential customer's financial position, in particular an estimate of their income level. More Metrics is releasing significantly enhanced Income data sets for working age people consisting of:
• Earned income, Gross Income and Net Income
• By individual and household
• Average value, banded average value, % of being within a band
• Indexed by postcode, age band and sex
The data has been built up rigorously from the annual ASHE earnings and hours data (annual survey produced by the UK Office of National Statistics), modelled to be robust by age, occupation, working hours and geography.
We strongly believe our approach, using non personalised data from UK official sources produce a defined and robust set of income variables and compare very well than those based on various survey and questionnaire derived data.