News and views from More Metrics
The Green Society - a More Metrics analysis of what local areas are thinking and doing
Tuesday 1st June 2021
Dave Edmonds
Over the coming weeks, More Metrics will be taking a closer look at a range of Green topics, from Green energy and electric vehicles, the emergence of Green politics as a potential new driving force, through to wider environmental issues and concerns about the natural environment. We will use our local area estimates of key data to provide insights into what people are concerned and how this is currently reflected in the decisions they are taking.
Of fundamental importance to us all is who we elect and what actions they take. The era of two party politics ended long ago and complexities and fall out of Brexit, COVID-19 and the emerging differences between Westminster and and the Devolved Governments have added to this changing landscape. But we can now add a third - Green politics.
Whilst the Green Party has been around for some time, and other parties present their own environmental policies and beliefs, we now live in World where environmental concerns are not to be trivialised - they are front and centre for many people. The recent local elections the Green Party with some of its best results, most notably in Bristol.
Green Party success in Bristol local elections
Similarly, in our choice of energy provider, the environment again is a key issue for many. Its not just about solar panels and electric cars. Consumers are making conscious decisions to buy their energy from more sustainable sources, even if it means paying a bit more. A recent study by the switching website Uswitch identified those cities where demand for Green energy tariffs has been strongest, and those where it has yet to prove popular. The study reports:
"A third of all UK households have opted for a green energy tariff, according to the latest research from Uswitch. But how does your city measure up when it comes to choosing renewable energy plans? According to the study, Nottingham has the highest take-up of green tariffs, with nearly half of all households (46%) in the city on a green energy plan. Households in Norwich (44%) and London (39%) are also keen to go green with their energy tariffs.
At the other end of the scale, just 15% of people in Belfast and 20% of those living in Southampton are currently on a green energy deal.
Will Owen, energy expert at Uswitch, said: "It's obvious that households in the UK want to do their bit for the environment - a third have already taken out a green energy deal, with Nottingham leading the way."
Whilst Green issues and environmental considerations are important to many, it is by no means consistent across all areas. In our analysis of these topics we will utilise the recently developed More Metrics Green Index to look at what might be driving these changes in particular areas, which areas might also be ready to embrace the Green Society and those for which other priorities are to the fore.
Too often everything is rolled in to a single idea or perception, whilst in reality individuals and local areas will be driven by quite different 'environmental concerns'. The Green Index has been developed to identify these differnces and help organisations and individuals to understand more on local area views and priorities about environmental, animal welfare and humanitarian issues.
Contact us for further details.
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