News and views from More Metrics

Do our interests and beliefs impact our COVID risk?
Wednesday 11th November 2020
Dave Edmonds
Are dog lovers more at risk from COVID-19 than their cat loving friends? Do historically Brexit supporting areas take more risks than their Remain leaving counterparts?
More Metrics has undertaken a short piece of analysis, reviewing its GeoSociety datasets alongside the ever increasing COVID-19 data to look for possible trends. Its by no means a rigorous scientific study but it does perhaps point to a number of interesting findings.
At the very least, it poses the question as to whether a our interests and pastimes and even our strongly held beliefs can provide an indication of the risks we face.
Data is there to help us pose questions as well as derive answers. The identified links may be superficial or they may be significant but they do hopefully show that data can be applied to some very topical issues.
Download the full article
GeoSociety datasets cover over 60 key topics across 17 themes and are based on analysis of UK Parliamentary petitions, a very rich and topical source of information on what the UK really cares about. Read more.
More Metrics COVID-19 data is updated weekly. The free data is available for download and includes:
- 13 Risk Factors
- Cumulative Infection Rates since 5th April on an As-Is and Time-Adjusted basis
- Weekly R-values
- FutureCases to Current Cases ratio
- Confirmed cases on an As-Is and Model basis
- Year-end trend line estimate
The free data is available at:
- Parliamentary Constituency
- Local Authority
- Care Commission Group
- and Ward levels
and equivalent home country levels.
Data at more localised geographies are available for purchase. Contact us for further details.
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