News and views from More Metrics
A truly local view is so important
Monday 5th October 2020
Dave Edmonds
With much of the UK under "local" lockdown restrictions due to COVID-19, its worth focusing a bit on what local actually means. In England for example, what began with the likes of Leicester and Luton has expanded to cover whole regions, primarily in the North West and North East. Similar patterns of lockdown are the case in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In Wales for example, with the exception of primarily rural counties, much of the country is under enhanced restrictions.
But look below these broad geographical areas and you will see a patchwork of infection - from quite modest through to worryingly high. Whilst from a National and Local Government perspective it makes sense to manage the risk at administrative area levels, individuals and businesses in lower risk locations might see these as unfair blanket restrictions.
More Metrics COVID -19 data is published at a range of geographical levels - and we are offering the data free at Ward and Parliamentary constituency level. More granular analysis is available on a commercial basis. Contact us for further details.
Easy to use visualisation using mapping software is available through our distribution partners. Take a look at REaD Group and Doorda.
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