News and views from More Metrics

Levelling up needs to start closer to home

Levelling up needs to start closer to home

Friday 25th September 2020
Sam Costain

As plans are announced to "level up" across the UK many will focus on the North-South divide. But as, More Metrics data shows, there is much to do to level up within regions up and down the country where only a few miles difference can show a huge disparity in quality of life and our GeoSociety data can indicate people's interest in levelling up.

Are the people who need the levelling up the most also the ones who desire it?

Using More Metrics data on Income, Life Expectancy and Standardised Mortality Ratio we are able to assess the quality of life of people in different areas. We can then compare this to the GeoSociety data on the topic of "Support Better Benefits and Low Pay" to show interesting differences in the desire for levelling up.

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