News and views from More Metrics

A selection of articles and news.

"Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" (But not that one!)

Friday 30th December 2022

A few thousand miles to the north of its more well known namesake lies a tiny Welsh village that shares its famous name. There are in fact more than 20 Bethlehems in the world, including several in the USA and one in Pembrokeshire. For many years, visitors would make a trip to the small Welsh village before Christmas, often simply to…

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The Year in Numbers

Friday 23rd December 2022
Dave Edmonds

An interesting end of year review from ONS on what has been a very eventful data. Central to their output has of course been the Census 2021 data insights with a lot more to come in 2022. Other areas covered include the economy and wider costs of living crisis, health and wellbeing data as we have emerged from the Covid…

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Using 2021 Census data - Identifying areas of deprivation

Friday 9th December 2022
Dave Edmonds

As the ONS continues to roll out the output from Census 2021, valuable insight about the issues facing many areas of the UK are being highlighted. In the attached article from the website Walesonline areas of deprivation of various levels of severity across Wales are identified, mapped and available for use by Government, local authorities and both public and private…

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GeoIndex - valuable insights from 1 to 100!

Monday 28th November 2022

More Metrics and REaD Group continue to work closely in providing key data insights across a range of topics from green issues and the environment to the cost of living crisis and affordability issues impacting families across the UK. All More Metrics GeoIndex Indices are available at postcode level and can be used standalone or alongside our core datasets such…

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Census 2021 data now available from ONS

Monday 7th November 2022

Some great data and insights being produced by ONS from last year's Census. More Metrics will be using this data as it emerges over the coming months to: Refresh our existing products with new data from Census 2021 Using our proven modelling process, create new insights at small geographical areas to give extra meaning to the ONS data Identify new…

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Housing Crisis - data solutions from More Metrics

Friday 28th October 2022
Dave Edmonds

Every day brings news of more turmoil in the housing market - fixed rate mortgages hitting over 6%, hundreds of mortgage products being withdrawn at short notice and talk of an impending house price crash on a scale not seen since the 1990s. In these difficult times, access to up to date and comprehensive data is essential. Analysis at a National…

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Data designed for an uncertain world

Wednesday 19th October 2022
Dave Edmonds

As households and businesses try to prepare for what appears to be difficult and challenging times, More Metrics has been working hard to develop data sets that provide key insights into how people are positioned to withstand the financial pressures facing them and how organisations might need to adapt as a result. We have produced an information sheet to help…

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Monthly COVID-19 data released

Thursday 16th December 2021

The monthly update of our COVID-19 data was released on 16th December 2021. It covers the period up to 28th November 2021. The free data is available for download and includes: 13 Risk Factors Confirmed cases on an As-Is and Model basis The free data is available at: Parliamentary Constituency Local Authority Care Commission Group and Ward levels and equivalent home country levels. Data…

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More Metrics and REaD Group launch new Green Campaign

Monday 22nd November 2021

Following on from all the excitement of COP26 in Glasgow, More Metrics and our data partner REaD Group have launched a social media campaign highlighting how data can improve an organisation's understanding of their customers' environmental attitudes and behaviours. As part of the campaign, responders can download a specially commissioned Greenpaper which contains research findings from across the world and key…

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Monthly COVID-19 data released

Friday 5th November 2021

The monthly update of our COVID-19 data was released on 5th November 2021. It covers the period up to 31st October 2021. No model or data source changes this month. The free data is available for download and includes: 13 Risk Factors Cumulative Infection Rates on an As-Is and Time-Adjusted basis Weekly R-values FutureCases to Current Cases ratio Confirmed cases on an As-Is…

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